coffee varieties
The only species that is allowed to be grown in Costa Rica is Coffea Arabica. The growth of the robusta species is outlawed in order to keep the quality standards of the country high. These are our main varieties:
Improved varieties
F-1 hybrids
F1 hybrids are an exciting development in the coffee industry, where poor genetic diversity, climate change, coffee leaf rust, and more, has been threatening the livelihood of many farmers. And great news is these new varieties combine high cup quality with high resistance to disease.
The process of creating a new coffee cultivar typically involves crossbreeding two or more different coffee plants to combine their desirable traits, and then selecting and propagating the best plants from the resulting offspring.
Below, you can find more information on the F-1 hybrids we work with.

Is a cross breed between Sarchimor and Rume Sudan. It has Very good cup quality at high altitude.
In the cup one can experience peach, grapefruit, tropical fruit such as papaya, ripe orange and apricot flavours.
Is a hybrid of Sarchimor T-5296 and wild Ethiopia ET-25 varieties, developed by various Central American coffee research institutes together with World Coffee Research. Esperanza combines high cup quality with high resistance to disease.
Esperanza means hope in English, to indicate the hope that experimental varieties like this offer for the future of coffee farming in a changing climate.
It makes up a very complex cup, rich, creamy, slightly sweet and syrupy, with clean citrus notes.

Is only available in Central America and is a cross between the Ethiopian variety Rume Sudan and a rust-resistant variety called T5296. They are highly yielding, are disease-resistant and offer an extraordinary cup quality shown with its recent success at Cup of Excellence scoring 90 points.
Centroamericano has a complex, elegant profile. In the cup one can experience ripe orange, sweet lemon, apricot flavours.