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Cupping notes: Coffee with tropical fruit, blue berries, red grapes, stone fruit, sweet vanilla, cola, maple syrup, balanced, complex.


SCA score 88


Producer: Juan Carlos Torres


Total bags available: 0 boxes/24 kg


These boxes can be sent individually with regular mail and do not need a pallet. If you would like to order one box, get in touch and we can make a transport quote depending on your country. Delivery in Europe may vary between €10-€31/box.


The admin costs of the warehouse are €35/order


We are proud to collaborate with Origin Bridge in the trade of this coffee. 

2310- Pink Bourbon Le Champagne

€ 462,00Price
1 Kilogram
Excluding VAT
Out of Stock
  • Juan Carlos Torres, along with his wife and two daughters, is a vital part of the 500,000 coffee-growing families shaping Colombia’s coffee sector. In Pitalito Huila, the country’s largest coffee producer, they contribute significantly.

    As the farm’s heirs, along with his mother and brother, they’ve expanded their resources over two decades, acquiring additional land to merge with Finca El Porvenir. Juan Carlos has witnessed firsthand the evolution of coffee cultivation in his region, adapting to changing climates, production techniques, and trade. This evolution has given rise to new disease-resistant varieties developed by Cenicafé, resulting in a majority of their harvest going into traditional washed coffee trade with local cooperatives.

    Yet, amidst the diversity, one variety holds a special place in Juan Carlos’s heart – the ‘Pink Bourbon.’ It demands extra care and cultivation space, but its unique characteristics have led him to keep it, engaging in experimental fermentations for their specialty coffee line.

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